Is Billiard Considered as Sport?

Billiards is one of the oldest games in existence. It’s believed to have been invented by Buddhist monks who were looking for a way to pass time, and it spread from there. Some people say that billiards are just an indoor golf version, which involves hitting a ball with clubs or sticks into holes on a course. Others believe it’s more like bowling because you use balls instead of pins or bowls as targets.

Is Billiard Considered as Sport?

Billiards is a sport that you can play different games within. Known as the “sport of kings” in Europe, Billiard was declared an official Olympic Sport by the International Olympic Committee back in 2005 and has been included at both World Games and Asian Games since then. You may be surprised to find out some of your favorite billiard artists are actually world champion athletes!

What do I Think?

Yes, I think it is considered a sport because it makes use of muscle energy, reflexes and burns a lot of energy in the process. Billiards also requires a lot of skill and concentration. In my opinion, anything we do that consists of skill and concentration should be considered a sport.

Thus, I feel that billiards should be considered a sport. Balls. Goals. Skill. Opponent. Defensive strategy! SPORT! Absolutely!! Though not physically taxing like other sports are because you play indoors with cues and balls on flat surfaces without running around for long distances (unlike outdoor sports).


Some people say that billiards are just an indoor golf version, which involves hitting a ball with clubs or sticks into holes on a course. Others believe it’s more like bowling because you use balls instead of pins or bowls as targets. So what do you think? Is billiard considered a sport?

So do you agree with them? Is Billard considered a Sport? What are your thoughts on this idea? I’m interested to know what you think! Please post your comments below right now so we can continue our discussion together! You