Are you losing control of your game? Ever think why your gameplay is getting slow? Well, it may be low quality felt of pool table, or it might be showing signs of wear and tear. What you expect from your pool game is speed, accurate angle, and precision. Playing on a slow surface or low quality felt wouldn’t sum-up to your desired goals, and it might change your mind to replace your Pool table felt.
However, when it comes to change your pool table felt, the million-dollar question is how-to, by whom, how much cost will be, and what felt quality would be? The answer to all these questions is given in this article what everybody ought to know about.
How To Refelt a Pool Table: Things you need to know
Table size
The selection of the pool felt starts by determining the size of your table. The standard pool table sizes are 7, 8, and 9 feet. Depending on size, you have to purchase the pool felt. I recommend that you should buy the felt with some extra length to overcome the errors that occur while measuring the table.
Quality of pool felt
Choosing the right felt for your pool table depends on your budget and needs. For home use pool table, you won’t buy expensive felt because it does not get the amount of play as compared to the tournament, which needs a durable felt and offers high speed. Either it will be worsted or woolen, again it’s a question mark. The worsted pool felt is expensive, but it provides high speed and more accurate roll at its nap-free. On the other hand, woolen felt is less costly and mainly used on a home pool table or bars.
The Right Way to install the felt
Changing the felt of the pool table is not rocket science. Although getting help from professionals is appreciated, you can do it yourself at home too. All you need is a staple, gun, glue, and some standard tools. The other important thing required is the care and know-how about changing the pool felt. In this article, I will guide you step by step procedure about replacing your pool tablecloth.
Step#1 Stripping of the Table
Stripping is the first step in changing the felt. Start with removing the pockets and rails first. The pockets are generally bolted or screwed with rails. Now, before removing the rails, remember the position of the rails for easy re-installation. Each table has a different type of rails. Typically, the rails are attached to the table casing by bolts. Carefully remove the bolts which keep the rails in their position. Position the rails at a safe place.
Step#2 Removing the old felt
The felt is either attached to the slat of the table by glue or stapled. If it is connected with glue, simply rip it off. In case the felt is stapled, just remove the staples using a suitable puller. Sometimes, when the felt is removed, it may leave small pieces on the slat. It is therefore recommended that the slat surface must be cleaned by scratching these pieces. Also, using a dry cloth, remove any dust accumulated on the slate.
Step#3 Attaching New Felt to the table
Method A, Stapling
- Lay the felt on the table. Leave enough piece of cloth on each side of the table for stapling with the slate frame.
- Stretch the cloth from the left side, at the same time, ask your assistant to pull it form right sight so that there are no bumps or wrinkles on the felt.
- Using a stapler, starting from any side depending on your convenience, start stapling from the center portion, and move to outer sides.
- Staple the felt at equal distance (approximately 1 inch apart), Cut the extra cloth after stapling. Repeat the same process for the right side of the table.
- Now move to the head side of the table and stretch the felt, same way, ask your assistant to pull it from the foot side.
- Start stapling from the middle of the table and move to the outer side. Keeping the appropriate margins on both head and foot side, staple the entire felt. While stapling the felt, have a look at the felt for any wrinkle or bumps that may arise.
- The pockets need to be felted with care and neatness. Cut three openings on each side of the pocket and staple or install the screw. Make sure to wrap them properly.
Method B, Using Glue
Using glue for attaching felt to the slate of the table is easy as compared to the stapling method.
- After cleaning the slate, apply glue to the entire slate.
- Lay the felt over the slate, run your fingers on the felt to ensure that no wrinkles are present. Carefully stretch the felt form both left & right sides, starting from any side depending on your convenience, apply glue to the felt and stick it to the table body, and move to outer sides.
- Now stretch the felt from the head side, starting from the center, apply glue to the felt and stick it to the table body, then move to outer sides.
- This step needs some extra care and skillfulness. Cut three openings on each side of the pocket and apply glue to the felt and stick it to the table body. Make sure to wrap them properly.
- Lastly, the foot side is to be stretched to make sure that no wrinkles or bumps are present. After final stretching, apply glue to the felt and stick it to the table body.
Step 4. Replacing Rails Felt
- The felt on rails is attached with a feather strip. Using a screwdriver, remove the feather strip carefully.
- Place new felt on the upside of rails, carefully look for the sticker side, and it should be facing down. Now leaving approx. ½ inch margin, fit the feather strip over it.
- Using a soft hammer, hammer the feather strip so that it is fully seated in the rails. Cut the extra felt with the feather strip.
- Tug the felt from the hung side, just to make sure that it is not loose.
- Staple the feather strip from the center and both sides.
- Now using a sharp knife, trim the extra piece of cloth of feather. Ensuring not to hurt yourself or damage the felt.
- Fold the felt over the rail and start stapling. While stapling, pull the felt so that there are no wrinkles on the front side of the rail.
- Repeat the complete step 4 for all remaining rails.
- Attach the rails to the pool table.
After a busy office life, people need to let their hair down. Perhaps, pool game is the ultimate choice to spend leisure time with your buddies. However, the pleasure of the game is enjoyed only when you have top gear sports equipment. Talking about the pool table felt, if it is not correctly fitted, it may affect your gameplay, and you can bear financial charges. Changing the felt of the pool table is not a routine job; it demands your precious investments and time.